Github: jetweedy

Incarceration Derivation: Wrote SQL script to replace a slow-running PHP script that was deriving incarceration spans from sets of daily jail records scraped from county jail rosters. Processing went from several minutes per file to a couple of seconds per file.

CHIP DataAware: WordPress website for the Carolina Health Informatics Program's High School Summer Data Science workshops, with several custom plugins and theme tweaks.

ENABLE: Extensible Network-Accessible Biomedical & health informatics Long-term learning Environment.

UNC Carolina Health Informatics Program: Exported a remotely managed website, set up from scratch on a new server, developed a responsive variation of the old theme, installed necessary plugins, integrated UNC Onyen logins, and finally imported the content into the new environment.

Read the Case Study on LinkedIn

Aggregated Data: Visualizing Cancer Outcomes Data for Cohort Discovery.

Project Tracking: Sortable project tracking grid and task assignment.

Concept Codelinks: Click-and-drop custom medical vocabulary control using Dojo DataGrids.

e-Reviews: Wireframing a system for reviewing project proposals.